Greetings and salutations!!!

Our comic company has expenses as any company or artist does. Website costs, advertising, convention costs, and (what is often neglected) pay for any work we've done to for our company. We weren't sure how to meet these constant costs, and for a long time these expenses came out of our own pockets.
Finally we found Patreon! Patreon is a crowdfunding service that functions similarly to other CF services, except this one donors can contribute per month, or with comic books can donate per page published. Its pretty handy especially if you have regular readership. Those who are already interested & investing in your book are likely to donate. While the rewards are more difficult to figure out, many users have dollar subscriptions that just support their comic and $3 subscriptions that allow readers to see extra content on the Patreon.
Visiting a variety of users can soon help you garner some ideas on how to reward those who are faithful contributors. Things from one time rewards like sketches to monthly prints of pages of the comic. Another way to garner contributors is using a twitter management tool like or others to set up automated messages to new followers providing the link to your comic and to your Patreon!
In the end it also never hurts to ask for contributions from those who have expressed interest in your book!
We've had good success with it thus far, and have actually found other people on the site that we ended up donating too. Also at the time of this writing Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (SMBC) Was making $100,000 a year. They are one of the most successful Patreon users there are.
Finally if you haven't seen our work yet you can really our various webcomics on! If you have and you love our artwork & storytelling then please help by donating to our Patreon page at! Each donation allows us to focus more time on the comic, and will hopefully one day make us full time artists!
Tom Gryphon

PS. Hippopotamus Prime thanks you for any & all contributions you make!
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